Monday, September 1, 2014

Do you... Be who you are.

Why should you worry about what other people are doing??? You REALLY shouldn't.... Life is about discovering the real you. While you are on your journey do not get stuck comparing yourself. A new quote I recently found hit home. "Comparison is the thief of Joy"........We all struggle and our life circumstances do not define who we are. I intentionally live to not compare my life to others. Spending time hanging out in one of my favorite places reminded me of this. I know someone needs this reminder. So, I wrote this for you. If you are struggling with this stop and look at the blessings all around you. Thankful, I had some truely lovely conversations in the last 24hrs with some amazing women. Our journeys have crossed for a reason. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I guess it is supposed to be this way.

Sometimes it is hard to be the one without a significant other. Although, I am at a place in my life where I am comfortable being single. I do miss being married. The comfort of knowing someone is waiting for you. Someone is thinking of you. Someone loves you unconditionally. I love having deep conversations with my dear friends about their joys and struggles as couples. We talk about why, how, and what may or may not need to change. Grace, intimacy, truth, and friendship are the key to a great foundation. I love being around my favorite couples! I have watched their love grow and grow. Marriage is hard work but so rewarding. Great blessing on my favorite couples!! Thanks for loving me❤️

Monday, July 7, 2014

One month in....

I am 39..... So I am going to share pieces of my journey to 40. 

Month one highlights; In no particular  order....
Being beyond spoiled by my dear friends for my birthday. 
Coffee with a mentor of mine. 
Sweet moments and conversations with my girl. 
Being reminded that I am right where I need to be. 
Having my desire to go back to school confirmed 3 different ways.
Knowing this is the year for that leap of faith.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Certainly life is full of ups and downs

Random thoughts.....There are times and moments that are just difficult. I get up everyday and remind myself one foot in front of the other. Honestly, some days are really hard. Time heals all wounds, but the scars remain. The scars are hard to look at and not think of the memories. Our scars help shape our character. I am grateful for my scars. They give me an amazing perspective. Recently, life threw a major curve ball at me. I knew how I would handle myself. I would fall on my knees and pray for more strength, peace, and understanding. I recieved it and the support that I have received in return has blessed me ten fold. Living life to impact others is why we are here. The people in my inner circle help me remember this......

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Inspiration Comes From Anywhere!

I wonder sometimes where I really went wrong. I think about who I have lost, who I have gained, and who has stayed. Then I remember, the Journey is the story. The pain of life is difficult and we all experience it. 

REMEMBER: We are all walking this crazy thing together. If everything in life was easy it wouldn't be as SWEET. The simple moments in LIFE are the SWEETEST.

Now, to the inspiration for today......

Yesterday.....We got to spend the day with my beautiful, kind, loving, and SMART SEESTER Breelyn. The day was  fantastic. We got to see her new place and enjoy her little family. We walked to lunch, played at the beach, sang, danced, played wii, and lived life together.

Why?!?! Is this my inspiration for my blog today you might ask...,?! 

It is because.... We each have our own journey... She is an inspiration to me. When she was little she always looked at life in a precious way. Everything was important to her, that quality is evident in life! She truly lives life by her own rules. She has lived life, traveled, studied in Ireland, struggled, loves who she is, and has an incredible way at looking at life! I am blessed to be a small part of it!!!

Besides being a mommy, being a big SEESTER is great!! I love the fact that I am able to watch their lives unfold (I have three sisters. I will share their inspiration to me, too) and fall into place. I am thankful for each moment I am able to spend time with each of them! Yesterday, was kinda of a DREAM day for me. 

Once again.... God always knows what he is doing and has a beautiful way of reminding me "I am right where he wants me". 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stronger is a Choice

Here is the definition of STRONG....

  1. 1.
    having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
    "she cut through the water with her strong arms"
    synonyms:powerfulmuscularbrawny,powerfully built, strapping,sturdyburlyheavily built,meatyrobustathletictough,ruggedlusty, strong as an ox/horse; More
  2. 2.
    able to withstand great force or pressure.
    "cotton is strong, hard-wearing, and easy to handle"
    synonyms:securewell-built,indestructible, well fortified,well protected, impregnable,solid More

    I like the second definition. It speaks volumes! The pressure we feel during stressful situations makes or breaks us. We all have a breaking point, figuratively speaking. I have thought many times I just can't do this... I can't move on... I can't look forward.... Why ... Why... It was because the trial or test was making me STRONGER! After all I have gone through, I believe God allows pain and hurt to keep you reaching for Him. In the moments I thought I was going to break, He would speak to my heart... You are stronger! I have learned my anchor in him is the true strength behind my Joy! The strong person I am is because of him. 

    Blessings, Kel❤️

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Hello again,

It has been over a year, since I posted something. I have written, rewritten, and erased many times.... I was recently reminded of this phrase "clouds don't last" by a dear friend. God gives us seasons of rest, work, pain, grief, joy...etc. I believe this last year has been a year of rest for me. I feel more at peace with who I am and where I want to go in life. I am ready to share more, do more and live more. The horizon is bright at the beginning and end of a story. I am ready to share more of my story. Life is beautiful and messy. I believe the messy moments are where our character is developed. Our character is very important. It is the core of who we are! March is one of my favorite months. I am going to share some special moments in my life this month. Please join me in this Journey ahead! Stay tuned in. 
